Game Launch

Working on this game has been an amazing learning experience, and I've had so much fun putting it all together over the last couple of years. This project has been with me since the middle of college, and I'm only now finishing it a month after graduation. Is everything exactly how I envisioned it. Of course not. Are there things I might change if I had more resources, or more know-how. Probably. But working within a fairly tight set of restrictions has inspired a lot of cool features for this game, that I would have never thought to include otherwise. If you're thinking of making a game, do it. When I started I had absolutely no idea what I was doing., but by sitting down and working on a project I was passionate about, I learned the skills that I needed to get it made. There's nothing magical about that, and you can do it to.

If you're excited by the idea of a 2D  Sci-fi pixel-art adventure game, I think you'll really enjoy Osiris: Landfall.  If you've already played the game, and are looking for information about the next installment, here is that update. The second installment in the Osiris series, under the very tentative working title Osiris: Polyglot, is in the early planning phases. When I have something more meaningful to show I'll be making a game page and begin posting devlogs about my progress on the project.  If you want to hear news about what I'm working on, I'd really recommend following my profile.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this update and play my game

-xoxo, angeldew 

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